Láska Kristova

    Je úchvatný plamen

   do modra zbarvený

    A celý svět i nebe i vesmír

    V něm hoří – hoří – hoří


     Božena Cibulková: Chvalozpěv lásky









„Explosion“ of Atlantis, the Seventh City or the Lost City


14:15 - 14:16   strength - pole zones of  Pillars of Hercules

14:16 - 14:17   temple Atestan with the representatives of the highest caste of Atlantis

                        who control the   explosion and open seven spheres

14:17 - 14:18   initial point of the explosion-  today´s Greenland

14:18 - 14:19   desintegration of the first quantity of density of  „supermateria“

14:19 - 14:20   desintegration of the second quantity of density of  „supermateria“

14:20 - 14:21   Atlantis divided into seven zones

14:21 - 14:22   Atlantis crystal

14:22 - 14:23   Atlantis crystal divided into seven zones

14:23 - 14:24   astroschism 1

14:24 - 14:25   astroschism 2

14:25 - 14:26   astroschism 3

14:26 - 14:27   final point of the explosion-today´s New Zealand

14:27 - 14:28   the first wave to Orion

14:28 - 14:29   the second wave to the Pleiades

14:29 - 14:30   the third wave to the matrix world       





© Ludmila Kozáčková, 2010

Autor obrázku Mléčná dráha v grafice Amezdas: Frida Hansen, veřejná doména